6.1. Subsetting#

This section introduces operations for taking subsets of dataframes. When data scientists first read in a dataframe, they often want to subset the specific data that they plan to use. For example, a data scientist can slice out the 10 relevant features from a dataframe with hundreds of columns. Or they can filter a dataframe to remove rows with incomplete data. For the rest of this chapter, we demonstrate dataframe operations using a dataframe of baby names.

6.1.1. Data Scope and Question#

There’s a 2021 New York Times article that talks about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s unique choice for their new baby daughter’s name: Lilibet. The article has an interview with Pamela Redmond, an expert on baby names, who talks about interesting trends in how people name their kids. For example, she says that names that start with the letter L have become very popular in recent years, while names that start with the letter J were most popular in the 1970s and 1980s. Are these claims reflected in data? We can use pandas to find out.

First, we import the package as pd, the canonical abbreviation:

import pandas as pd

We have a dataset of baby names stored in a comma-separated values (CSV) file called babynames.csv. We use the pd.read_csv function to read the file as a pandas.DataFrame object:

baby = pd.read_csv('babynames.csv')
Name Sex Count Year
0 Liam M 19659 2020
1 Noah M 18252 2020
2 Oliver M 14147 2020
... ... ... ... ...
2020719 Verona F 5 1880
2020720 Vertie F 5 1880
2020721 Wilma F 5 1880

2020722 rows × 4 columns

The data in the baby table comes from the US Social Security Administration (SSA), which records the baby name and birth sex for birth certificate purposes. The SSA makes the baby names data available on its website. We’ve loaded this data into the baby table.

The SSA website has a page that describes the data in more detail. We won’t go in depth in this chapter about the data’s limitations, but we’ll point out this relevant information from the website:

All names are from Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the United States after 1879. Note that many people born before 1937 never applied for a Social Security card, so their names are not included in our data. For others who did apply, our records may not show the place of birth, and again their names are not included in our data.

All data are from a 100% sample of our records on Social Security card applications as of March 2021.

It’s also important to point out that at the time of this writing, the SSA dataset only provides the binary options of male and female. We hope that in the future, national datasets like this one will provide more inclusive options.

6.1.2. Dataframes and Indices#

Let’s examine the baby dataframe in more detail. A dataframe has rows and columns. Every row and column has a label, as highlighted in Fig. 6.1.


Fig. 6.1 The baby dataframe has labels for both rows and columns (boxed)#

By default, pandas assigns row labels as incrementing numbers starting from 0. In this case, the data at the row labeled 0 and column labeled Name has the data 'Liam'.

Dataframes can also have strings as row labels. Fig. 6.2 shows a dataframe of dog data where the row labels are strings.


Fig. 6.2 Row labels in dataframes can also be strings, as in this example, in which each row is labeled using the dog breed name#

The row labels have a special name. We call them the index of a dataframe, and pandas stores the row labels in a special pd.Index object. We won’t discuss the pd.Index object since it’s less common to manipulate the index itself. For now, it’s important to remember that even though the index looks like a column of data, the index really represents row labels, not data. For instance, the dataframe of dog breeds has four columns of data, not five, since the index doesn’t count as a column.

6.1.3. Slicing#

Slicing is an operation that creates a new dataframe by taking a subset of rows or columns out of another dataframe. Think about slicing a tomato—slices can go both vertically and horizontally. To take slices of a dataframe in pandas, we use the .loc and .iloc properties. Let’s start with .loc.

Here’s the full baby dataframe:

Name Sex Count Year
0 Liam M 19659 2020
1 Noah M 18252 2020
2 Oliver M 14147 2020
... ... ... ... ...
2020719 Verona F 5 1880
2020720 Vertie F 5 1880
2020721 Wilma F 5 1880

2020722 rows × 4 columns

.loc lets us select rows and columns using their labels. For example, to get the data in the row labeled 1 and column labeled Name:

#        The first argument is the row label
#        ↓
baby.loc[1, 'Name']
#            ↑
#            The second argument is the column label


Notice that .loc needs square brackets; running baby.loc(1, 'Name') will result in an error.

To slice out multiple rows or columns, we can use Python slice syntax instead of individual values:

baby.loc[0:3, 'Name':'Count']
Name Sex Count
0 Liam M 19659
1 Noah M 18252
2 Oliver M 14147
3 Elijah M 13034

To get an entire column of data, we can pass an empty slice as the first argument:

baby.loc[:, 'Count']
0          19659
1          18252
2          14147
2020719        5
2020720        5
2020721        5
Name: Count, Length: 2020722, dtype: int64

Notice that the output of this doesn’t look like a dataframe, and it’s not. Selecting out a single row or column of a dataframe produces a pd.Series object:

counts = baby.loc[:, 'Count']

What’s the difference between a pd.Series object and a pd.DataFrame object? Essentially, a pd.DataFrame is two-dimensional—it has rows and columns and represents a table of data. A pd.Series is one-dimensional—it represents a list of data. pd.Series and pd.DataFrame objects have many methods in common, but they really represent two different things. Confusing the two can cause bugs and confusion.

To select specific columns of a dataframe, pass a list into .loc:

# Here's the original dataframe
Name Sex Count Year
0 Liam M 19659 2020
1 Noah M 18252 2020
2 Oliver M 14147 2020
... ... ... ... ...
2020719 Verona F 5 1880
2020720 Vertie F 5 1880
2020721 Wilma F 5 1880

2020722 rows × 4 columns

# And here's the dataframe with only Name and Year columns
baby.loc[:, ['Name', 'Year']]
#           └──────┬───────┘
#         list of column labels
Name Year
0 Liam 2020
1 Noah 2020
2 Oliver 2020
... ... ...
2020719 Verona 1880
2020720 Vertie 1880
2020721 Wilma 1880

2020722 rows × 2 columns

Selecting columns is very common, so there’s a shorthand:

# Shorthand for baby.loc[:, 'Name']
0            Liam
1            Noah
2          Oliver
2020719    Verona
2020720    Vertie
2020721     Wilma
Name: Name, Length: 2020722, dtype: object
# Shorthand for baby.loc[:, ['Name', 'Count']]
baby[['Name', 'Count']]
Name Count
0 Liam 19659
1 Noah 18252
2 Oliver 14147
... ... ...
2020719 Verona 5
2020720 Vertie 5
2020721 Wilma 5

2020722 rows × 2 columns

Slicing using .iloc works similarly to .loc, except that .iloc uses the positions of rows and columns rather than labels. It’s easiest to show the difference between .iloc and .loc when the dataframe index has strings, so for demonstration purposes, let’s look at a dataframe with information on dog breeds:

dogs = pd.read_csv('dogs.csv', index_col='breed')
grooming food_cost kids size
Labrador Retriever weekly 466.0 high medium
German Shepherd weekly 466.0 medium large
Beagle daily 324.0 high small
Golden Retriever weekly 466.0 high medium
Yorkshire Terrier daily 324.0 low small
Bulldog weekly 466.0 medium medium
Boxer weekly 466.0 high medium

To get the first three rows and the first two columns by position, use .iloc:

dogs.iloc[0:3, 0:2]
grooming food_cost
Labrador Retriever weekly 466.0
German Shepherd weekly 466.0
Beagle daily 324.0

The same operation using .loc requires us to use the dataframe labels:

dogs.loc['Labrador Retriever':'Beagle', 'grooming':'food_cost']
grooming food_cost
Labrador Retriever weekly 466.0
German Shepherd weekly 466.0
Beagle daily 324.0

Next, we’ll look at filtering rows.

6.1.4. Filtering Rows#

So far, we’ve shown how to use .loc and .iloc to slice a dataframe using labels and positions.

However, data scientists often want to filter rows—they want to take subsets of rows using some criteria. Let’s say we want to find the most popular baby names in 2020. To do this, we can filter rows to keep only the rows where the Year is 2020.

To filter, we’d like to check whether each value in the Year column is equal to 1970 and then keep only those rows.

To compare each value in Year, we slice out the column and make a boolean comparison (this is similar to what we’d do with a numpy array):

# Here's the dataframe for reference
Name Sex Count Year
0 Liam M 19659 2020
1 Noah M 18252 2020
2 Oliver M 14147 2020
... ... ... ... ...
2020719 Verona F 5 1880
2020720 Vertie F 5 1880
2020721 Wilma F 5 1880

2020722 rows × 4 columns

# Get a Series with the Year data
0          2020
1          2020
2          2020
2020719    1880
2020720    1880
2020721    1880
Name: Year, Length: 2020722, dtype: int64
# Compare with 2020
baby['Year'] == 2020
0           True
1           True
2           True
2020719    False
2020720    False
2020721    False
Name: Year, Length: 2020722, dtype: bool

Notice that a boolean comparison on a Series gives a Series of booleans. This is nearly equivalent to writing:

is_2020 = []
for value in baby['Year']:
    is_2020.append(value == 2020)

But the boolean comparison is easier to write and much faster to execute than a for loop.

Now we tell pandas to keep only the rows where the comparison evaluated to True:

# Passing a Series of booleans into .loc only keeps rows where the Series has
# a True value.
#        ↓
baby.loc[baby['Year'] == 2020, :]
Name Sex Count Year
0 Liam M 19659 2020
1 Noah M 18252 2020
2 Oliver M 14147 2020
... ... ... ... ...
31267 Zylynn F 5 2020
31268 Zynique F 5 2020
31269 Zynlee F 5 2020

31270 rows × 4 columns

# Filtering has a shorthand. This computes the same table as the snippet above
# without using .loc
baby[baby['Year'] == 2020]
Name Sex Count Year
0 Liam M 19659 2020
1 Noah M 18252 2020
2 Oliver M 14147 2020
... ... ... ... ...
31267 Zylynn F 5 2020
31268 Zynique F 5 2020
31269 Zynlee F 5 2020

31270 rows × 4 columns

Finally, to find the most common names in 2020, sort the dataframe by Count in descending order:

# Wrapping a long expression in parentheses lets us easily add
# line breaks to make it more readable.
(baby[baby['Year'] == 2020]
 .sort_values('Count', ascending=False)
 .head(7) # take the first seven rows
Name Sex Count Year
0 Liam M 19659 2020
1 Noah M 18252 2020
13911 Emma F 15581 2020
2 Oliver M 14147 2020
13912 Ava F 13084 2020
3 Elijah M 13034 2020
13913 Charlotte F 13003 2020

We see that Liam, Noah, and Emma were the most popular baby names in 2020.